PSA Testing – Turning The Page.

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We understand that when life gets busy, it’s easy for your health to take a back seat, especially when there’s nothing obvious holding you back. The following fictional journal illustrates how preventative health testing can provide you with the information you need to help improve your health. Men are notorious for ignoring the hints our bodies give us when something isn’t quite right. At Randox Health, we’re committed to empowering you to take control of your health before issues escalate, helping you stay proactive rather than reactive. .

5th June

It happened again today. I was right in the middle of a meeting about our new product launch when suddenly, I felt it.

‘Not this time’ I thought, before I excused myself.

Shuffling my way down the hall for what felt like an eternity, I eventually found myself standing at the urinal. Just standing. Nothing else.

I’ve heard this can happen as men age, but I didn’t think my time would come so soon. Between this, my constant exhaustion, the weight gain, and how down I’ve been feeling lately, I’m starting to worry it might be something more serious.

6th June

I’ve been trying to keep these uneasy feelings to myself lately. But tonight at dinner, I couldn’t hide it anymore. When an ad about prostate cancer risks came on TV, I guess something about my face gave me away.

Olivia, who’s pretty sharp for her age, brought up something she saw on her phone about Randox Health tests. I could tell she was worried from the look in her eyes. I told her I’d look into it.

After Olivia went to bed, I took some time to think things over. I’ve never been the type to bother doctors with minor issues. It’s easier to just ignore them. But I had made a promise.

I hopped onto the Randox Health website and saw they had a 20% discount on all male health checks for Men’s Health Week. After looking into the tests they offer, I decided to go ahead and book the Everyman and the Advanced PSA test.

It felt like a step in the right direction, and I went to bed feeling a little lighter, knowing I was taking action.

11th June

The receptionist at the clinic gave me a reassuring smile as she showed me around. “Don’t worry, it’ll be over before you know it,” she said. “A lot of people get nervous, but it’s really no big deal.”

When I got to the examination room, I was actually taken aback – in a good way. I was expecting something cold and clinical, but the room was welcoming and I was greeted by a friendly face.

I saw a box of latex gloves on the bench and felt a wave of panic wash over me. “It’s pretty simple,” the technician explained, offering a reassuring smile. “We’ll take your measurements, get a blood sample for the tests you’re here for, and then we need a urine sample.”

Before I knew it, I was strolling out of the clinic feeling a whole lot better. They said I’d get my results through the Randox Health app in 2-5 days. Just doing something about it all has made me feel a lot more positive.

15th June

I may only be 40, but it’s been ages since I woke up to presents in the morning. Today was different though. Over my usual cup of joe, I braced myself for the worst and opened the Randox Health app.

First off, some good news. My Advanced PSA test results came back, and I’m at low risk for prostate cancer. What a relief! The report was clear and easy to understand, and I definitely breathed easier after reading it.

My Everyman results looked good too. Considering my dad had heart issues, I was glad to see all my heart health indicators were in the clear. The same goes for diabetes, kidney, digestive health, and most other categories.

But then I hit a snag – my testosterone levels were low. At first, I didn’t think much of it. ‘Isn’t that the hormone that’s linked to aggression?’ I wondered. A quick read through the Randox Health Male Hormone Handbook blog post, though, helped me connect the dots between my health test results and what I’ve been feeling.

While it’s great to have all of this detailed info, it’s a lot to take in. Luckily, my Everyman package includes the option of a consultation with a GP or a Randox Health expert. I’ve booked an appointment to hopefully clear up my confusion and figure out the next steps.

17th June

Usually, doctor visits are a bit overwhelming for me. The medical lingo just flies right over my head. But this time, after chatting with the Randox Health expert, I finally feel like I’m getting a grip on my health.

We went over my results and came up with some straightforward lifestyle changes that might help boost my testosterone levels. I learned that low testosterone could up my risk for things like heart disease and osteoporosis, so it’s time to ramp up my exercise routine and eat more protein.

They also reminded me that with the Everyman package, I’ll have follow-up tests to monitor the effects of these changes. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress.

21st December

What a result!

I went back to the Randox Health clinic late last week for my follow-up tests and the results show a noticeable improvement in my testosterone levels, as well as with other health markers.

I feel like I’ve just won the Champion’s League!

I never realised how minor tweaks to my daily routine could so dramatically improve my health.

I’m feeling much better now than I did in my first entry. It’s not just because my health markers have improved, but also because I have a much better understanding of my health and how my actions influence it.

I was so impressed with my experience at Randox Health that I’ve already booked a Nutrition and Lifestyle DNA test for next year. But I don’t plan to stop there. I want to learn as much as I can about my health to help me to a healthier future, and to make sure I’m around to watch Olivia grow up.

Looking back on this journey, it’s clear that understanding and managing my health can really make a big difference. Here’s to a healthier future and many more milestones like today!

The End

At Randox Health, we’re here to support you on your journey to a healthier future. You can get more information on these tests here.

For the tests booked by our protagonist in this fictional journal, you can follow the links to the Everyman, Advanced Prostate Cancer Test and Nutrition and Lifestyle DNA.

Alternatively, if you’d like to chat with us about these, or any of the other services we offer, we’d love to hear from you. You can get in touch with us using the contact form or at any of our socials.

This journal entry is a work of fiction for marketing purposes.